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Commercial Manager: Ensures effective project planning and resource allocation.

Daniel Lee


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Welcome to Pembroke & Bull, your trusted partner for all commercial and industrial painting and decorating needs. We are proud to offer a comprehensive range of services including Painting & Decorating, Doff cleaning and installation of Repair Care resin to timber windows, delivered with the highest standards of quality and professionalism.


At Pembroke & Bull, we are proud to offer a comprehensive range of painting and decorating services tailored to meet the needs of various clients, including main contractors and businesses. Our expertise extends across:


  • Painting and Decorating
  • Doff Cleaning Works
  • Repair Care Installation
  • On-Site Spraying


Unit 8a-8b Thames Enterprise Centre, Thames Industrial Park, Building 3, Princess Margret Road, East Tilbury, RM18 8RH

Company number: 08303039 VAT number: 162830907
